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Kharnak Valley Trek (10days-Camping)

Day 01: Arrival Leh. Our representative will pick up you from airport Leh, Acclimatize day at Leh, we recommend you to take a complete rest and evening you can visit Market. Over night at Hotel/Guest House.

Day 02: Visit famous monasteries Lamayuru, on the way back visit Alchi monastery off road from the national high way, Liker monastery with a huge statue of future Buddha (Miterya Buddha) and old monastery. Night at Guest House or Hotel at Leh.

Day 03: Drive to Chiling Bridge, 2-3hours.via national high way NH-01, after drive along Zanskar river towards Chiling, Trek to Sku. 2-3hours, today is first day of the trek, so you will walk for short day to Sku via Kaya. Night at Camp.

Day 04: Sku to Markha, 5-6hours. Trek along the Markha river, this day you will cross the river by foot, but the river level will not be high before noon. The water level is much down before noon, After reaching the camp and bit rest, visit Markha Gonpa, at a small hill lock with the old villages house nearby. Night at camp.

Day 07: Markha to Hankar 4-5hours.via many small villages, as you will pass by villages; there are many chances to see blue sheep and dears, day will not be difficult as you will walk just at the river levels. Night at camp.

Day 08: Hankar to Yakrupal  via Langtangchan, 5-6hours.  After some half hours walk to the valley, you will reach at a junction which right valley lead lead you to Kharnak Valley and the left valley goes to Nimaling, a nomadic pasture land. Follow the Langtang River up the narrow valley to the camp at Yakrupal. It will be considerably cooler here. Night at Camp.


Day 07: Yakrupal to Tsokra 4200mts 6hours. Walking gradually higher to the pass, you will cross Zalungkarpo la 5200mts,   after descend walk until Kharnak Valley, you will able to see the ancient ruin palace of Kharnak. Night at Camp.


Day 08: Tsokra to Dat, Today it will be a nice easy walking day along the stream and many trees, this river also flow towards Zanskar Valley, and Dat is the main place for Kharnak people as in summer they move to other pasture area and in winter they stay in Dat, they have a monastery also, so you can visit after in the evening. Night at Camp.


Day 09: Dat to Lungmoche via Yar-la 4900mts. After breakfast trek to next camp, today will be flat walk, as the area is very flat, so that a plane can be land. As you pass by, you will see Yar-la, which is not so difficult and along the pass you will see a wall towards the pass, which is use in spring time as cattle used to walk on the Stone-wall to reach the other side of the pass when there is many snow in winter and spring. Night at Camp.


Day 10: Lungmoche to Zara, 4600mts. 5hours. From today you will not have any pass, but you will able to see nomads camp (RABO) at several places, and walking while enjoying the beautiful view of Changthang hills. On the way you will pass by Yagang the main place for Kharnak people. Trek end Night at Camp.

Day 11: After breakfast drive back to Leh via Tanglang la 5300mts, a beautiful views of high mountains and valleys on the way and stop at top of Tanglang la pass. Night at Hotel/Guest House in Leh.

Day 12: Departure day Leh to Delhi with memories from Ladakh.

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