ABOUT me and us:-My name is Tashi Stobgyas (TASHI), I am from Zanskar Region, village called TSAZAR, Studied from SOS TCV Ladakh till 10th Standard and after want to SOS TCV Gopalpur +2 in Himachal Pardesh near to Daramsala. After I have been to Chandigarh for three year study and I had completed my graduation, did B.Ed<Bachelor of Education> from Jammu University and after I also did Master in Political Science.
My elder uncle is all for me, it is that because he had helped for my education, what I am today is because of his courage and concern.
Now I am working as a manager in travel agency known as ZANSKAR-THEMA-TOUR in Leh-Ladakh organizing tour, sightseeing, trekking to the entire region in Ladakh,bike tours, expedition and many more …..
I became an Travel agent, because My younger uncle who <31years>was the owner of the travel agency had meet with an Bike accident and pass away in the year 2010, 6th July and my uncle had his own family in my village.

And I am the eldest brother among my sibling/cousin and sister. And my families prefer me to run the travel agency as my uncle use to run, and since then I am accompanying my late-uncle’s two daughter for their education and many others.
I had more than 12 Years of experience, worked as an interpreter/Guide with the medical camp, trekking and sightseeing for many groups from Europe, specially France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and many more. And many Australia and Asian countries, Mainly from Japan, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.
We mainly focus on customize programs according to our guest requirements and we give best possible help for every single Guest/Clients. Which is prime purpose.
Thank you!